Thursday, September 25, 2014

Vocabulary #3

Roots and Derivatives
  1. aud(it)(hear): audience, auditorium, audition, audiovisual.
  2. avi(bird): aviation, aviculture, aviatrix, avifauna
  3. bell(i)(war): rebellion, rebel, belligerent, postbellum
  4. ben(e)(good, well): benefit, benevolent, benediction, benefice, benison
Word List
  1. Antebellum: before the war, especially the American Civil War, typical of how things were before any war.
During the antebellum period, African-American people were treated as slaves.

     2. Audit: to attend a class only as a listener, not for credit; to check or examine a company's financial records; the process of making such an examination. 

Every year, a group of people audits or class to check if we really are learning.

     3. Auditory: related to the sense of hearing.

We had an appointment for an auditory test last week.

     4. Avian: characteristic of or pertaining to birds.
An avian researcher sailed to the island to look for more species.

     5. Aviary: an elaborate structure for housing birds.

The old lady's backyard is an aviary of humming birds.

     6. Avionics: the technology of (using) electronic equipment in aviation, missilery, and space flight.

The avionics class in Cal Poly is advanced in technology.

     7. Bellicose: eager to fight or quarrel; hostile.

Her bellicose behavior in school got her suspended.

     8. Belligerency: the condition of warlike hostility; a hostile action.

Everyone should avoid belligerency, so the world can have peace.
     9. Benefactor: a person who gives another (financial) help; a patron

The food bank needs a lot of benefactors to help feed the hungry children in Africa

    10. Beneficiary: one who receives a benefit (of payment), as from an insurance policy.

Each beneficiary receives $200 each month for food.
     11. Benign: not malignant; gracious and kindly; good-natured

The surgeons removed her benign tumor on her brain.
      12. Inaudible: unable to be heard.

Everyone's voices are inaudible once the band plays their songs in their concert

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Reflections On Week 1

        1.  The only factor that would affect my participation in this class is the new schedule. I personally don't like it because I get homework from each class every night. In addition to that I have to wake up  at 5:30 a.m. because I have a first period. On most of the days, I get home around 6:30 p.m. because I go to practice. This never gave me time for myself. Even if I get home after 7th period, I still end up doing my homework until around 11:00 p.m.
         2. My best learning experience that changed me was when we went to SeaWorld. I learned a lot of things about sea creatures and their life underwater. I honestly never appreciated animals, but I learned things that made me more interested in animals. Seeing orcas, dolphins, sea lions, etc. entertained me, and I learned that sea animals can also do tricks like dogs.

         3.  I'm excited to learn new things in this class. I'm also concerned about having a lot of work in this class. I look forward into learning/discovering about new stories in this class. I think that it will make a practical difference in my life because this class is going to need a lot of reading, and it's something that will push me to read books.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Roots and Derivatives

  1. anni, annu, enni (year): anniversary, semiannual,biennial, bicentennial, annuity
  2. aqua, aque (water): aquatic, aqueduct, aquarium, aqualung, subaqueous, aquamarine
  3. arm (arm, weapon): army, alarm, disarm, armaments, armory, armor
  4. art (art, craft, skill): artistic, artificial, inarticulate, artmobile, article, artificer
Word List
  1. Aqua: the hue of the sea, bluish-green.
Seeing the aqua waters on the beach is very peaceful.

     2. Aquaculture: the cultivation of water plants and animals for human food.

Farmers raise fish on the lakes through aquaculture.

     3. Aqueous: like, of, or formed by water, watery. 

The mixture that we made in our science class was aqueous.
     4. Armada: a fleet of warships.

The American navy has their armadas ready for Iraq.

     5. Armature: equipment or clothing for battle, or any protective covering; an armlike extension.

Soldiers need to wear armatures before they go on wars.

     6. Armistice: a temporary suspension of hostilities by mutual agreement, as a truce preliminary to a peace treaty

If every country in the world agreed with armistice, we can say that we have world peace.

     7. Artifact: any object produced by the art of the human hand; simple or primitive objects from the distant past.

The ancient artifact originally came from Greece.

     8. Artifice: cunning ingenuity; clever or sly trickery.

A lot of people attempts to perform some artifice so that they can get what they want.

     9. Artisan: a person skilled at a craft, usually a handicraft.

The old lady went to an artisan to request a miniature for her birthday.

   10. Millennium: a period of peace and great prosperity; a thousand years.

In this millennium, a lot of things were invented.

   11. Perennial: year after year; throughout the years; a plant that blooms annually.

Before, things were made things so that it can last perennially

   12. Superannuated: worn out. or retired, from age, and years of use of hard work: obsolete or outdated.

The frying pan was superannuated by my parents after 9 years.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

My Six Word Memoir

My Six Words: I chose "Passing Does Not Always Mean Success." Sometimes I think about everything that I do and at times, I become frustrated when I feel like my work is not worth anything. For example, if I  have a C in any of my classes it's considered as passing. This grade is passing, but it is not something that I would say "success." At times, passing can be a success too. That C might have been your best in that certain class (Geometry). For me, success means it's something that was done with hard work and hard effort.


          I think that watching t.v. is more popular than reading books is because people are lazy nowadays. Everyone would rather sit around and watch t.v. because they are tired and they would rather just relax. Also, people on t.v. try to grab everyone's attention to make things interesting. I think that for some people, reading is a boring thing. In books, all you see are words in them. In my opinion, that's boring. I, for example, have a hard time trying to understand it. I always have to watch the movie or show before I read the book. When you're watching t.v., everything is more interesting. Some books are turned into movies and that's how they grab a reader's attention. People nowadays are lazy and would rather do something that involves laying down. In general, for most people, visual representations help them understand things easier.