Waverly wants to live the American lifestyle, but her mother, Linda Jong, wants her to continue the Chinese cultures. Her mother was upset because she believes knows that it's best for her to practice Chinese culture. Waverly doesn't want to listen to her mom, and this also makes her upset because she is being stubborn about it. This is an example of cultural differences because Waverly needs to practice two cultures. This can also affect the following generations because if they don't practice Chinese culture, they wouldn't know how it is like to live Chinese. For example, Mexicans and Filipinos live an American lifestyle and their own culture. Like Waverly, some people just wants to live an American lifestyle because they're here in America. Waverly doesn't need to worry about being embarrassed because most people who lives here in America are multi-cultural.
Another example would be Jing-Mei and her mother, Suyuan. When Suyuan died, Jing-Mei was pushed to fill in her mother's shoes. Jing-Mei needed more self-confidence because she always feels like she can't fill in her mom's shoes. This shows us generation difference because Suyuan passed this on to Jing-Mei, which is the next generation. Suyuan probably passed away for a reason so that Jing-Mei can experience how her mother felt like to be in the Joy Luck Club. Jing-Mei didn't really appreciate what her mother did for her until she died. Most people don't really appreciate what they have until they lose it. Nothing lasts forever, and that's why we should make everything count. This would be a generational example because the club was basically passed on to her when she passed away.
Lastly, when Waverly became a chess prodigy, Suyuan also wanted her daughter to be a piano prodigy. Suyuan expects June to be the best out of everyone else, but this is not what she wanted. Suyuan wanted her to be the best because she thinks that Chinese girls are good at everything, and that she's also a Chinese. This would be a generational and cultural example because this will change their reputation with their kids. Usually, daughters are stubborn when it comes to what their parents want for them. Daughters would think that it's okay to disobey their parents/mothers because they believe that they know everything better than their parents. We should all just believe in our parents and obey them because they know what is best for you and your future.
Even though mothers and daughters argue most of the times, they would still get along in the end. This is what makes a mother-daughter bond special. At times, daughters would think that they know what they are doing. Daughters are influenced by the generations that they're living in, and they become stubborn and stop listening to their mother. This leads to a miscommunication and misunderstanding between the two. Mothers knows the best because they've been through everything, and they don't want their daughter to get hurt.