Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Vocabulary #1

Roots and Derivative

  1. act, ag, ig: to do, to move, to drive
  2. ali, alter: another, other
  3. am: at/ to love
  4. anim: life, spirit, soul
Word List
1. Agenda- a list or plan of things to be done in the future. 

The responsible student wrote her homework in her agenda. 

2. Agile- a quick and easy of movement or thought. 

Basketball players need an agile mind to score.

3. Alienate- to make someone unfriendly, withdrawn, or indifferent.

The bully alienated the new freshman in school.
4. Altercation-a heated or angry argument.

People can be involved in an altercation if someone 
5. Amiable- generally pleasant, friendly, and nice to be around.

The lady was walking amiably after she got food.

6. Amorous- a suggested of love, lovemaking, or sexual desire.

His amorous feelings for the girl were not mutual.

7. Animated- filled with life and spirit: active

The teacher gave an animated speech on the first day of school.

8.Equanimity- calmness or evenness of mind or spirit; even-temperedness

The student was explaining why she got in trouble with equanimity.

9.Inalienable- that which cannot be taken away or transferred to someone else.

Everyone's rights are inalienable.

10. Inanimate- possessing neither life nor spirit; not alive

Children are comfortable with the idea that inanimate objects can both think and have a personality

11. Magnanimous- showing a kind of nobleness of mind and spirit; high-minded

In a game, you have to be magnanimous when you lose.

12. Reactionary- a person characterized by ideas suggesting a desire to move backward, especially in matters related to politics

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