Sunday, February 1, 2015

Vocabulary #8

Roots and Derivatives

1.     flu(x), fluct: (flow, flowing)
2.     fort, fore: (strong)
3.     frater(n): fratr (brother)
4.     fus, fund, found: (pour, melt)

Word List

1.     Affluent- flowing with wealth and riches: prosperous; a flowing stream, as a tributary;

It was obvious that she came from an affluent family as she walked out with Louis V's, Jimmy Choo sandals, and MK eyewear.
2.     Confluence- a coming or flowing together, as of rivers or ideas; a place of joining;

America is a confluence of different races, skin color, and ethnicity.
3.     Confound- to perplex, confuse, amaze, or bewilder;

The egg prices confounded customers as the gas prices go down.
4.     Effusive- pouring forth in an emotional way; unrestrained or overly demonstrative

My effusive reaction when the Seahawks made their first touchdown on the Super Bowl game was unreasonable, as the Patriots won.
5.     Forte- one’s special area of accomplishment or performance; one’s strong point;

She is forte in all areas of academic classes as she is the Valedictorian.
6.     Fortify- to make stronger; to strengthen; to establish defenses;

Milk helps you fortify your bones.
7.     Fortitude- strength of character; patient courage;

She endured her leg cramps with fortitude.
8.     Fraternize- to associate with or socialize in a brotherly fashion; to be friendly with;

My parents told me not to fraternize with suspicious guys for safety issues, and they can be a criminal.
9.     Fratricide- the killing of one’s own brother, someone who commits such an act;

One reason for fratricide is jealousy.
10.  Mellifluous- as if flowing honey or sweetness; like the tones of a honeyed voice;

Her voice was mellifluous as she was talking to her teacher to raise her grades up.
11.  Profusion- a pouring forth, as of great numbers; plentifulness; an abundance;

 The profusion of desserts on the table makes me want to devour everything.
12.  Superfluous- (flowing) beyond what is needed; in excess of a sufficiency;
       Every time I shop for clothes, I shop for something superfluous.



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